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現在地 トップページ > Nobeoka City - English > Emergency Information for Foreign Residents


Emergency Information for Foreign Residents

印刷ページ表示 更新日:2021年8月1日更新

Natural disasters

Natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons hit Japan more often than many other countries, so it is very important to be prepared in advance. For more information about disaster prevention information for foreign residents, please take a look at this page on the Miyazaki Prefecture homepage<外部リンク>.

In May 2021, Japan renewed the Basic Law on Natural Disasters and introduced a new five-level warning system to carry out rapid evacuation behavior after a warning is issued.

image:Disaster warning

119 Emergency Interpretation Service

To help foreigners who can't speak Japanese, the Nobeoka fire department has implemented the "Interpretation Concierge 119," as an interpretation service. When you call 119 for help in a different language than Japanese, an interpreter will join the conversation between you and the firefighter. Interpretation is available in 5 languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese.

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